After 33 years on the air, the famous American television shows Cops has called it quits. Another casualty of the growing movement against racial injustice discrimination and police brutality. “Cops is not on the Paramount Network and we don’t have any current or future plans for it to return,” a spokesperson for the show’s current network said in a statement.
The show has been under pressure from critics for its disproportionate portrayal of black people and the people of colour as criminals. A Los Angeles Times review also observed:
“the camera assumes the disgusting role of hanging judge by prematurely filling the screen with the faces of numerous suspects swept up in drug busts, some of whom may turn out to be innocent or may even go uncharged, for all we know.”
The report also notes its popularity and explains why, “when it comes to entertainment, though, “Cops” crackles.”

Reggae band Inner Circle’s mega hit ‘Bad Boys’ has been the theme song for the show from inception and is one of the most recognisable song globally. Not to mention the fact that the song is the theme song for the popular movie franchise Bad Boys. The cancellation of the show will mean that the band will experience a big dip in royalties from the song that just keeps on giving.